Connect your MEDIT LINK account to Circle Platform using our API and get all your files instantly!
Treatment plan
Create your treatment plan
In the Filessection, next to "My treatment" you'll see the MEDIT logo.
By clicking on it, the "Connect" button appears.
MEDIT LINK connection
Click to open a MEDIT LINK window, where you can enter your MEDIT LINK login details.
Once validated, Circle Platform verifies and confirms the connection.
Patient file
From now on, you'll find all your patient records in the Circle Platform interface.
Select the desired folder by clicking on the line, then select your files.
You can add all the files you need (referring as required to the protocol labels) by clicking on the "+" button.
Adding files
Each added file appears in your treatment plan under the "My treatment" tab.
Once all your files have been added, you can submit the treatment plan.
Want to find out more?
Discover all the possibilities offered by the Circle Platform with our tutorials.
Resin bridge on titanium bar: a step-by-step guide to creating an implant-supported treatment plan in just a few clicks
Alone or with your assistant, with or without the patient: our interface adapts to your practice. Find out how to create your treatment plan.
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