Henry Schein shares our deep commitment to excellence in dental care. Together, we aim to provide superior dental solutions, with a focus on safety, efficiency and patient satisfaction.
As a major partner, Henry Schein actively supports our innovative approach by developing and offering cutting-edge technological solutions. Through innovative products and services, we aim to optimize dental practices, improve clinical results and simplify the work of dental health professionals.
An alliance to reinvent dentistry: Circle and Henry Schein hand in hand.
Discover our Help Center, designed to help you improve your dental practice at every level. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced dentist, we offer a variety of content to support you in using our solutions.
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Resin bridge on titanium bar: a step-by-step guide to creating an implant-supported treatment plan in just a few clicks
Alone or with your assistant, with or without the patient: our interface adapts to your practice. Find out how to create your treatment plan.