The treatment of edentulous uni-maxillary teeth is a delicate therapeutic situation. In fact, the presence of an edentulous arch opposed to a fully or partially dentate arch is the source of numerous somesthetic and occlusal imbalances.
Discover the publication in STRATEGIE PROTHETIQUE Volume 22 n°4
"The treatment of a fully edentulous uni-maxillary arch is a delicate therapeutic situation. In fact, the presence of an edentulous arch opposed to a fully or partially dentate arch is the source of numerous somesthetic and occlusal imbalances, all of which can lead to the instability of a removable prosthesis or reduce the durability of a supra-implant estauration. Among the determining factors in the restoration of a single-maxillary edentulous tooth, apart from the perfect realization of the edentulous arch prosthesis, the re-establishment, if necessary, of the integrity of the dentate arch, and the harmonization of the occlusal plane of the dentate arch are indispensable prerequisites".
Prof. Olivier Hüe
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